Pulls the readme and URLs of the data from the TidyTuesday github folder based on the date provided

tt_load_gh(x, week, auth = github_pat())



string representation of the date of data to pull, in YYYY-MM-dd format, or just numeric entry for year


left empty unless x is a numeric year entry, in which case the week of interest should be entered


github Personal Access Token. See PAT section for more information


a 'tt' object. This contains the files available for the week, readme html, and the date of the TidyTuesday.


A Github PAT is a personal Access Token. This allows for signed queries to the github api, and increases the limit on the number of requests allowed from 60 to 5000. Follow instructions from <https://happygitwithr.com/github-pat.html> to set the PAT.


# check to make sure there are requests still available if(rate_limit_check(quiet = TRUE) > 10){ tt_gh <- tt_load_gh("2019-01-15") ## readme attempts to open the readme for the weekly dataset readme(tt_gh) agencies <- tt_download( tt_gh, files = "agencies.csv" ) }
#> --- Compiling #TidyTuesday Information for 2019-01-15 ----
#> --- There are 2 files available ---
#> --- Starting Download ---
#> #> Downloading file 1 of 1: `agencies.csv` #>
#> --- Download complete ---